14th Microencapsulation Training School

Nancy, France - October 8-11, 2024

  • BRG will offer scholarship consisting to free registration.
  • Scholarships are attributed to student of less than 30 years old (exceptionally to young researchers coming from developing countries).
  • To be eligible, before September 10th, the student must have submitted a motivation letter : academic background, research topic and valorization, planned research project to training_school@bioencapsulation.net.
  • The scholarship is attributed by the scientific committee and its decision is not debatable.
  • As so, no answer will be provided regarding scholarship attribution.
Registration class & participation fees

To register select New registration, and step by step follow the registration process.

  • Green circle indicates that you completed the step.
  • Red circle indicates that you have to complete the step.
  • Blue text indicates that you may still modify the information.
  • Red text shows the step you are working on.
  • Grey text indicates a step not yet available.

Participation fees include :

  • Entrance to the lecture and demonstration rooms, proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches, event dinner.
  • BUT transportation to the training school and accommodation are not included.
Class Industrial Researcher Student

Before September 10th, 2024 900 € 500 € 300 €
Before October 1st, 2024 1000 € 600 € 450 €
After October 1st, 2024 1200 € 700 € 500 €

How to pay ?
  • While logged in, select the submenu Status & payment under REGISTRATION
  • You may pay by:
    • Credit Card
    • Bank Transfer or Check drawn on a French Bank (Click on Invoice to get detailed instructions)

Invoice :

  • While logged in, your invoice is available by selecting the submenu Invoice under REGISTRATION.
  • If needed, you may edit the address and include your own reference (VAT number).
  • Printable acquitted invoice will be available once payment has been recorded on the BRG bank account.
  • Acquitted invoices will be provided on site to each participant at the registration desk.
Cancellation policy
Before September 1st, 2024Before October 1st, 2024After October 1st, 2024
Fees are fully refundedFees are half refundedFull payment is due

How to cancel your participation?

  • While logged in, select Registration => Your registration => Registration & status, then click on "Cancel your registration"

How to reconfirm your participation ?

  • While logged in, select Registration => Your registration => Registration & status, then click on "Reconfirm your registration"
Invitation letter
  • Original invitation letter will be sent upon request but you may print one directly from the web site.
  • Note that the invitation letter will be sent to the address given in your registration form.
  • The invitation letter specifies that you have been registered, and if you paid your participation fees.
  • No responsibility is endorsed by the organizers regarding your travel and accommodation expenses.
  • No special format letter is provided.

How to get an Invitation letter

  • While logged in, click on "Your registration > Registration & status > invitation letter".