Ref. |
Contributions 1 to 13 (Ox.x : Orals; Pxx : Posters) |
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O-01 |
Introduction to microencapsulation
James Oxley, SwRI, USA |
O-02 |
Technologies at Erbo Spray
Rolf Tona, Erbo Spray, CH |
O-03 |
Microencapsulation of lactic and probiotic cultures
Christophe Lacroix, ETH Zurich, CH |
O-04 |
Simulation methods for fluidized bed spray granulation
Stephan Heinrich, TUHH, DE |
O-05 |
Spray drying and fluidized bed spray drying
for aroma encapsulation
Jenny Weissbrodt, Symrise, DE |
O-06 |
Continuous fluid and spouted bed technology
for Microencapsulation
Katja Oppermann, Glatt, DE |
O-07 |
BASF Micro-Encapsulation Technologies and Application in Sun Screen
Antoine Beziau, Basf, DE |
O-08 |
Innovative gentle drying technologies
Jerome Vallejo, Lesaffre, FR |
O-09 |
Delivery Systems for Low Molecular Weight Volatile Payloads
Philipp Erni, Firmenich, CH |
O-10 |
Polymers for particle coating, a review
Jorg Brunemann, Harke Pharma, DE |
O-11 |
Integral water repellency of cementitious material from inorganic microcapsules
Leon Marteaux, Dow, BE |
O-12 |
Solid processing and particle design
Gabrie Meesters, TU Delft, NE |
O-13 |
Evaluation of Strength and Wall Thickness of Core/shell Microcapsules
Todd Schwantes, Encapsys, USA |